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Q&A Viessmann API

Dear developer and smart home enthusiasts,

today, we want to contact you to talk with you about the recent activities that are taking place concerning the interface of the heating systems, also known as the Viessmann API. As most of you might have already received our Email in which we informed you about the upcoming changes concerning the use of the API, we would like to open this thread to continue the discussion openly and transparent with you and pick up on the discussions in this thread. Here is again a brief summary of the main points from our message:

> As Viessmann, it’s in our responsibility to provide our users with reliant and safe products, including features and services around those products

> We are impressed to see your interest in connecting and interacting with your heating system and that you found a solution for your specific use case without a description or support from our side

> However, it challenges us to check and channel the method and frequency of requests to our IoT Services in order to keep those stable and available for all our users

> What is even more important is that for these solutions, we as Viessmann currently cannot guarantee a safe and reliant operation of your heating system

This has the following steps that we have to take:

> In order to keep operation through our API safe and still give you the chance to interact with your system, we limit the use for all applications by setting a threshold for the requests. The limit is set for both a larger (e.g. daily) and a smaller (<15 mins) time scale. Reaching the limit will prevent you to execute any further requests with your account in the specific time frame. So please make sure to adapt the frequency of the requests of your current solution to avoid reaching the limitation.

> We are heavily working on providing a solution for all users that is 1) approved & safe to use, 2) properly explained and 3) gives you the functions and information you need for your specific use case. At the same time, this will also be moment when the solution is in place where we cannot allow any other ways of accessing our API. To make things clear: Your already built and currently used functions will still be able to use, it’s only that you will need a new API client provided through the Portal that can be self-managed by the user himself.

We also received a lot of questions via Mail and also in this forum, which we are going to answer for everyone individually. We also saw that the most common question among the responses was the demand for a local API. This is a reasonable request and we appreciate and take the demand very seriously. However, we will not able to provide you a solution for this in the near future. This feature (as all other features and requests by users) are permanently discussed and evaluated and brought together with all other strategic decisions that Viessmann is taking.

I again would like to encourage everyone to participate in the development and make sure to sign in here to get an early access to the Developer Portal. Also, we are hoping to have a constructive discussion here in this thread. We are really looking forward to work jointly together with you on ideas and co-create future solutions!

As stated in the previous thread and in certain Emails we received, we are aware that some users might expect a communication in german from us, as Viessmann is of course a company with German heritage. However, since we are providing climate solutions all over the world and especially programming / APIs is natively described in english, there is no other option than communicating in english first. This has already been greatly explained by @thetrueavatar in the previous thread.

All the best!

Michael Hanna

Viessmann Developer Portal


In order to support you more on adjusting your current solutions according to the current limitation, here is how the threshold works:

We have a rate limit with sliding window. Whenever the first request arrives, we open a time window and count all request in that window. If the number of requests reach the limitation, we block all incoming user requests until the time window ends. Then, with the next user request, a new time window opens.
Currently, we have the following limits active:
120 calls for a time window of 10 minutes
1450 calls for a time window of 24 hours
Please take note that we are taking the right to adjust the limits if seen necessary. Information about adjustment of the threshold will be given with a reasonable amount of time in advance for all affected user.


For all who experienced a ban after the limitation time frame with a few number of API requests: Our team fixed an issue with the limitation, which is taking effect since today and should solve this problem. We are still analyzing the behavior, but for now it looks ok.


I confirm this is working again on my system. Thanks to all the dev team who fixed this very quickly and to you that had to support our "anger" 🙂
I have been able to test my refactoring and now every cron trigger will only result in 4 request (independently of the amount of data to retrieve).

Hello Mr. Hanna,

i'm also interested in an API update every minute to control my heating system Viessmann 222W with Vitoconnect100 through my smarthome system (Loxberry/Loxone).

all the best from Belgium,



I have had no further problems during the last 24 hours. The threshold seems to be working correctly now and the limits are high enough to allow a reasonable operation of the heating combined with PV, sensors and smart control.

Thank you and the dev team for listening to the users' problems and fixing the threshold implementation fast. I am looking forward to see the Dev Portal once it is ready.

Hi Michael,


I have reconnected my Openhab with the Trueavatar api. Currently reading 7 viessmann values every 10 minutes and storing them in a database. That is about 1008 readings per 24 hrs. Shouldn't break the limit.

Vicare also functioning normal.

Looking forward for the Viessmann api !

Kind regards


For information, If you put all your 7 reading into a single php file this will only generate one request for all.

I can confirm that. I updated thetrueavatar's API to version 1.3.2 and added DeviceId and InterfaceId to the credentials. Since that I was able to switch back from 10 to 1 Min interval without being banned.

That allows me to keep all home automatization running as before until Viessmann is ready with the official API.

That should be InstallationId and and GatewayId!

You are correct of course.

For everyone that is interested: I published a first new functioning version of my C# client library here:
I completely reworked the client, which is now using one single request for getting all features with all sensor values and setting values.
It is also available ready to use as a nuget package for .NET Core 3.0:

Liebe Viessmänner,

wäre es nicht sinnvoll mal hier oder auf einer Ihrer Supportseiten ein Dokumentation zu präsentieren die beschreibt,
was mit Zugriff via LAN / WLAN auf die diversen Schnittstellen funktioniert und was nicht. Das berühmte API wie es viele Hausautomatisierer gerne hätten scheint es ja nicht zu geben, lokalen Zugriff gibt es den, ja oder nein. Also alles in Allem ein ausführliche Klarstellung dieser Problematik.

Es ist schon sehr verwunderlich warum der Datenzugriff auf eine Heizungssteuerung so kompliziert ist und vom Hersteller so erschwert wird.

Denken Sie daran, die Heizung ist von Viessmann, der Eigentümer ist der Käufer. Mir ist klar, dass man per LAN-Steuerung etwas falsch einstellen kann. Das geht aber genauso über die Bedienelemente an der Heizung. Wenn ich nun meine eigene Heizung auf die Art beschädige, dann ist das mein Vergnügen und/oder mein Risiko.

Mein Erwartungshaltung ist, der Hersteller, also in diesem Falle Viessmann, stellt eine Web-Bedieneroberfläche bereit die im Grunde das Bedienpanel der Heizung wiederspiegelt. Den Rest erledigen findige Hausautomatisierer selbst, glaube ich jedenfalls.

Es muss ja noch nicht mal ein Web-Bedieninterface sein, veröffentlichen Sie das Protokoll mit dem die einzelnen Heizungen über Optolink gesteuert werden, mehr brauchen Sie nicht zu tun. Mit so einer Dokumentation wird eine Einbindung Ihrer Heizungen in eine Haussteuerung zum Kinderspiel.
Hier gibt es ja schon einen großen Teil der Lösung, nur die Protokoll-Information ist unvollständig, weil Sie das geheim halten.

Ich wiederhole meine Frage, warum machen Sie es Ihren Kunden so schwer. Übrigens bei lokalen Lösungen ist es nicht nötig Ihre Server zu belasten um dann bei mir die Heizung zu steuern. Sollten Sie an den Daten meiner Heizung interessiert sein, kein Problem, die dürften Sie sogar abgreifen.

Also, haben Sie mehr Mut, legen Sie das Steuerungsprotokoll offen und gut ist es.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Übrigens bei anderen Herstellern ist das erheblich besser und auch die bauen sicher keine schlechten Heizungen.

I hope that this solution is coming together nicely, but I would like to add my support for the local solution. For me, even a Read-Only local solution is perfectly acceptable. Just an unformatted dump of al parameters should not be too taxing on the system.

What would really make the company stand out is an experiment where you provide the raw data dump and the community provides the visualisation/plugins/... You have a lot of highly engaged users and IOT enthusiasts, with a lot of relevant skills, make use of this resource!

Hello Adam!

I think exactly the same. The data of --MY-- heating system is --MY-- data and I paid a lot of money for the Vitoconnect 100 to get --MY-- data and now Viessmann tells me, I do not get access to --MY-- data as often as I want it.

Today I got no data between 15:04 and 18:39 - that is ridiculous - I am very angry about this! And I even do not fetch the data as often as i want. I would like to fetch data every minute and at the moment i fetch data every four minutes only and still got sometimes no data.

Maybe we all should disconnect our heating systems from the internet.

Maybe this is a good story for a journalist - make this bad and unfair behaviour public

I am very p...ed now!


Hello ewer,
I do understand your feelings, however a downtime of 3:35 houres does not sound like the limit from viessmann (10 minutes or 24 houres). If you are calling the API only every 4 minutes you would need more then 60 calls in order to trip the 10 minute limit.

@JueBag If it is a floating window than it can be the limit, indeed. If he reached the 24h limit 20:25 hours after the first call of the time window, then the lock should last 3:35h.

@eweri I can understand that you are angry and I also think it would be best to allow some local unrestricted access to the data, but sadly this is common behaviour of all sort of companies that offer "iot" devices. Think about Somfy Tahoma, Gardena, Ewelink, etc pp. Each company develops it's own proprietary protocol and/or cloud solution that does not (officially) work without internet connection and using the cloud to control or read the data.
It's somehow like all of them think "Oh, iot is a hype now. Let's get some share of the market fast" 😉

This said, Viessmann nonetheless is one of the user-friendlier companies regarding a (yet to finish) official api and a (inofficial) existing api the use of which is at least tolerated under specific conditions.

Hallo Croydon,

nur weil alle oder besser viele Hersteller IOT Steuerung über die Cloud anbieten (und sogar erzwingen) bedeutet das noch nicht, dass das der Weisheit letzter Schluss ist.

Stellen wir uns mal vor, in Haushalten werden IOT-Devices wie Steckdosenschalter, Rollladensteuerungen, Haustürschlösser u.a. zu tausenden verwendet und müssen alle über APP und Cloud gesteurt werden. Dann funktioniert mal der Server in der Cloud nicht, DSL ist gestört oder der Hersteller wird insolvent. Die Konsequenz die schöne IOT-Funktion ist tot. Bei Insolvenz kann man dann den ganzen Krempel in die Tonne treten weil die Cloud-Server verschwinden.

Es ist überhaupt völliger Blödisnn, dass eine IOT-Funktion über Cloud-Computing laufen muss. Warum mann einem Server in China sagen muss , dass ein Rollladen in meiner Küche hochfahren soll, erschließt sich mir nicht. (Mir wäre sogar wurschtegal, dass man dann in China weiss mein Küchenrolladen ist offen oder zu!)

Selbst Viessmann limitiert die Frequenz der Anfragen an den Server wegen zu starker Last..

Was soll dieser ganze Blödsinn. Ich erwarte, dass der Hersteller ein Web-Bedienpanel bereitstellt als alternative zum manuellen Bedienpanel (ggf. könnte man das sogar weglassen) und ich binde die Heizung per LAN oder WLAN in mein lokales Netzwerk und habe meine Heizung im Griff. Ob man dann die Daten an Viessmann weitergibt oder nicht entscheidet der Besitzer der Heizung und nicht der Hersteller.

Was Viessmann macht ist eine Gängelung seiner Kunden und das wird mit vielen Argumenten beschrieben oder umschrieben und soll gut für die Kunden sein. Nein, ist es nicht und ein echter Grund beim nächsten Mal keine Viessmann Heizung zu kaufen, Heizungen sind keine Artikel die man mal gerade so austauscht. Das Dilemma nutzt Viessmann aus, leider.

Warum das möglicherweise angekündigte "official API" Jahre braucht um realisiert zu werden versteht ein halbwegs guter Programmierer nicht. Viessmann baut unbestritten gute Heizungen, in Bezug auf Datenverarbeitung und Computerei sollten Sie noch an Erfahrung nachlegen.

Nochmal mein Forderung, offenes API für lokale Netzwerkbetrieb, ordentlich dokumentiert. Das wünsche ich mir, befürchte aber der Wunsch bleibt Wunsch.

@bjanssen Da bin ich ja komplett deiner Meinung. Ich wollte nur sagen, dass Viessmann in dem Punkt noch einer der kooperativeren Hersteller ist, wenn ich an andere denke. Optimal ist die Lösung bei weitem nicht und iot ohne lokales Netzwerk mit Zwangscloud ist im Allgemeinen Müll. 100% agreed.

@Croydon agree, there are a lot of bad examples, there are good ones as well at the same time. Logitech Harmony Hub, Yamaha receivers and Music Cast devices, actually Gardena works locally as well. Not to mention all devices the standards like z-wave or zigbee. Zehnder ventilation units also work locally (newer models with LAN, older is more a hacking their serial protocol). Air conditioning with KNX (expensive unfortunately). Those should be simply followed by Viessmann and others.

@adorobis: agreed.

I think you're missunderstanding what does the vitoconnect was designed for. It was not about accessing our heating data every minute. It was a way to feed ViCare application and so provide us a way of controlling our heating system and do some human monitoring. We have hijacked this for home automation but it was not what exactly what Viessmann sold to us....
I find that Viessmann is quite comprehensive. They could have just prevent every usage that it's not human driven by setting a treshold much more lower. However, I hope they will hear for the need in mid-term to get local access to our data.

And the second point of the VitoConnect box is that you need to have the Box online for 5 years, you give them your data and they extend the warranty on your heating system.

Also a fair deal.

Not everywhere unfortunately. The warranty extension wasn't mentioned when the Vitoconnect was sold to me (Italy).
I was trying to find out if the offer is valid here too but the Customer Care in the forum couldn't help (?) and the answer is still pending with the local one for obvious reasons.

For all those that still think the actual cloud solution is sufficient, read the following (german) threads about "ViCare not showing actual data" or "No controll via ViCare".

Lets see what the Viessmann representatives will come up with.

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