Well Before 11 AM 17 marchi I was doing every 5 minutes this list of call: - active mode - active program - outside temperature - heating burner status - HotWaterStorageTemperature - Boiler temperature - normal program temperature - reduced program temperature - slope & shift - DHW schedule - Heating scheduleA - Room temperature Every call first do an authentication, then do a call to general-management/installations andoperational-data/installations/gateways/gatewayId /devices/device_id/features. I would say 12 authentication and 24 call to the API every 5 minutes this lead me to be ban today.
HOWEVER, I have disable all of those call on 11 AM this morning(17 march). I got my access back at 17h20 and did some manual call to test my refactoring. I have done during 30 mintes 2-3 calls to get curve information 10 call to "general-management/installations" and "operational-data/installations/gateways/gatewayId /devices/device_id/features". That's all. And I have being ban again.
The lock is weird. The lock today was release on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 5:20:10.106 PM The new one was set on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:23:42.988 PM So it took me less than 4 minutes to be blocked !!! Moreover, I didn't test it in this timeframe...
Here is a received message right now: {"viErrorId":"req-4485c64081604168a4ae9220d192fe8e","statusCode":429,"errorType":"RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED","message":"API calls rate limit has been exceeded. Please wait until your limit will renew.","extendedPayload":{"name":"ViCare day limit","requestCountLimit":1450,"clientId":"79742319xxxxxxxxx2a8","userId":"d61aexxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-7a492bb94efb","limitReset":1584548622988}}
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