Dear developer and smart home enthusiasts,
today, we want to contact you to talk with you about the recent activities that are taking place concerning the interface of the heating systems, also known as the Viessmann API. As most of you might have already received our Email in which we informed you about the upcoming changes concerning the use of the API, we would like to open this thread to continue the discussion openly and transparent with you and pick up on the discussions in this thread. Here is again a brief summary of the main points from our message:
> As Viessmann, it’s in our responsibility to provide our users with reliant and safe products, including features and services around those products
> We are impressed to see your interest in connecting and interacting with your heating system and that you found a solution for your specific use case without a description or support from our side
> However, it challenges us to check and channel the method and frequency of requests to our IoT Services in order to keep those stable and available for all our users
> What is even more important is that for these solutions, we as Viessmann currently cannot guarantee a safe and reliant operation of your heating system
This has the following steps that we have to take:
> In order to keep operation through our API safe and still give you the chance to interact with your system, we limit the use for all applications by setting a threshold for the requests. The limit is set for both a larger (e.g. daily) and a smaller (<15 mins) time scale. Reaching the limit will prevent you to execute any further requests with your account in the specific time frame. So please make sure to adapt the frequency of the requests of your current solution to avoid reaching the limitation.
> We are heavily working on providing a solution for all users that is 1) approved & safe to use, 2) properly explained and 3) gives you the functions and information you need for your specific use case. At the same time, this will also be moment when the solution is in place where we cannot allow any other ways of accessing our API. To make things clear: Your already built and currently used functions will still be able to use, it’s only that you will need a new API client provided through the Portal that can be self-managed by the user himself.
We also received a lot of questions via Mail and also in this forum, which we are going to answer for everyone individually. We also saw that the most common question among the responses was the demand for a local API. This is a reasonable request and we appreciate and take the demand very seriously. However, we will not able to provide you a solution for this in the near future. This feature (as all other features and requests by users) are permanently discussed and evaluated and brought together with all other strategic decisions that Viessmann is taking.
I again would like to encourage everyone to participate in the development and make sure to sign in here to get an early access to the Developer Portal. Also, we are hoping to have a constructive discussion here in this thread. We are really looking forward to work jointly together with you on ideas and co-create future solutions!
As stated in the previous thread and in certain Emails we received, we are aware that some users might expect a communication in german from us, as Viessmann is of course a company with German heritage. However, since we are providing climate solutions all over the world and especially programming / APIs is natively described in english, there is no other option than communicating in english first. This has already been greatly explained by @thetrueavatar in the previous thread.
All the best!
Michael Hanna
Viessmann Developer Portal
In order to support you more on adjusting your current solutions according to the current limitation, here is how the threshold works:
We have a rate limit with sliding window. Whenever the first request arrives, we open a time window and count all request in that window. If the number of requests reach the limitation, we block all incoming user requests until the time window ends. Then, with the next user request, a new time window opens.
Currently, we have the following limits active:
120 calls for a time window of 10 minutes
1450 calls for a time window of 24 hours
Please take note that we are taking the right to adjust the limits if seen necessary. Information about adjustment of the threshold will be given with a reasonable amount of time in advance for all affected user.
For all who experienced a ban after the limitation time frame with a few number of API requests: Our team fixed an issue with the limitation, which is taking effect since today and should solve this problem. We are still analyzing the behavior, but for now it looks ok.
I'm using to connect my homematic instance with your service.
I call the api every 15 mins, after 17 calls I reached the daily limit. My vicare app works well.
I think you have a bug in your quota calculation.
Response to get request: {'message': 'API calls rate limit has been exceeded. Please wait until your limit will renew.', 'viErrorId': 'req-73f4447a6f2f4dedb93b7415e8e8acdf', 'extendedPayload': {'limitReset': 1591602969567, 'userId': '48014048-7c52-4479-8dcd-4bf952a2c70f', 'clientId': '79742319e39245de5f91d15ff4cac2a8', 'name': 'ViCare day limit', 'requestCountLimit': 1450}, 'errorType': 'RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED', 'statusCode': 429}
Hi @MichaelHanna,
I completed the registration for teh Dev Portal form weeks ago but no response yet.
Also, back in March it was going to be available "within two months" - could we at least get an update here?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Viessmann has now on sale new devices for the Smart Vicare ecosystem: the radiator thermostats and room temperature and humidity sensors. Is there any news on the announced earlier this year Viessmann Developer Portal? Those new devices look very interesting but only if we can integrate them with our smart home systems. Ideally with local connectivity rather than cloud based.
Could you please share some more details about those plans, possibility to share the API documentation and if there is a chance to publish the local API for viessmann smart devices?
I think exactly the same:
We paid for the devices, we are willing to share our data with Viessmann but we must humbly inquire if Viesmann would be so nice to give us access to OUR data and than we are also restricted to a maximum number of calls per day. That is at least absolute unfair.
You use this data for future business plans so it would be fair to give the customers access to their own data.
I can only repeat myself one more time: Give us local APIs by a firmware update -- at least free read access! Just a little Web-Page that shows current status of the system.
You can restrict write access by some kind of password or code and give the user a big warning if it enables write access to the API.
Just my two cents
For me, its not much effort to pull the data back via the API from the server several hundred kilometers away where the machine just stored it. So of course, there must be a limit while thousands of users pull their data.
My idea is to give a kind of expert-access to the machine and to have the possibility to configure a second (local) mqtt-server where the data is send, too.
did anybody find the possibility for access of room temperature and humidity sensors ?
Thanks in advance.
Hallo MichaelHanna
Ich bin ein neuer Kunde in eurem ViCare System.
Da Vicare die Daten nur für eine Woche wiedergibt suche ich Möglichkeiten diese auf meinem Rechner zu speichern. Ebenso unübersichtlich ist die Darstellung der Heizungsdaten in Balkendiagrammen. Daraus kann man über den Tag keinen zeitlichen Verlauf ablesen und nach Optimierungslösungen suchen. Auch zeigten die Beiträge in der Community dass es schwierig ist mit welchem Modul oder App die Daten ausgelesen werden können.
Können Sie mir eine Empfehlung geben wie ich das bewerkstelligen kann. Vielleicht haben / kennen Sie eine App mit der ichdie gespeicherten Systemdaten auslesen kann.
Gerne höre ich von Ihnen. MfG D. Mayer
Hallo Herr Mayer
Viessman Vicare kann in ein Home Assistant-System ( ) integriert werden, mit dem Sie Daten von der Vicare-API sammeln und in zusätzlichen Datenbanken speichern können. Alternativ können Sie Daten aus der API in Ihre eigene Lösung integrieren, indem Sie sie über das Python-Modul aufrufen, das Sie hier finden:
Hi JayVee99,
Very interesteed I read your informations about your diagram. As I less than 80 jears, I h`ve forgatten most of the points of programing. Now I received a new gas-heating sytem of viessmann and I learned to see ViCare and its Posibilities to show results of heating, temparature etc. Its design doesn`t sutisfy my interests because it shows only in bulks the results of Gas, Runtime eg. There is no change to see the develpoment durig the day signed in a line. Thats why I`m very interested in your app, which show all Parameters with a line and its development.
My question is: Is there a chance to receive your App for using it for my system. I like to get all Data of my sytem on my computer for analysing and to decide to change the parameters, time e.g.
I`m very pleased to get an answer of yours.
Thanks and much greatings, stay free of CORONA.
Dieter Mayer
Hallo Herr Mayer,
es freut mich, wenn Ihnen meine Darstellungen gefallen. Leider ist das bisher noch fertige App, die man einfach so weitergeben könnte. Dazu sind die Anwendungsfälle bisher zu unterschiedlich.
Tatsächlich ist hier ein Paket an Darstellungen und Auswertungen entstanden, das alle Formen des häuslichen Energieverbrauchs (Strom, Gas...) vom Jahr bis auf die Stunde in Relation setzen und auf den Verbraucher herunterbrechen kann. Also für den Brenner bedeutet das auch zu sehen, wieviel Energie in welche Heizkreise geht, was dann wiederum für den hydraulischen Abgleich und die Überwachung desselben verwendet werden kann.
Als Dienstleistung überschreitet das typischerweise den tatsächlichen Bedarf und wenn es nur darum geht ein paar Diagramme darzustellen, dann klicken sich die Leute das mit ein paar Standardkomponenten selbst zusammen.
Hallo JayVee99,
Danke für die Nachricht. Es hätte mich mehr als gefreut hierfür professionelle Hilfe zu erhalten oder auch zu finden. Wie ich aus den bisherigen Schriftverkehr der Community entnehmen konnte, sind bei der Erstellung einer entsprechenden App diverse Fallstricke in den Systemen von Viessmann enthalten. Diese hoffte ich übergehen zu können. Nun werde ich versuchen mich durch das Labyrinth durchzufinden und mir die Daten in zeitliche definierten Intervallen herunterzuladen und in auswertbaren Tabellen zu speichern.
Bis dahin.
Hallo JayVee99
Wie ich Deinen Ausführungen entnehme arbeitet ihr an einem App-Modul das nach Fertigstellung zur Verfügung gestellt wird, Oder? Kannst Du sagen wann dies voraussichtlich sein wird? Da ich in Kürze auch eine weitere Voltaik-Anlage installiere, wäre es mehr als interessant hier ein Gesamtpaket zu erhalten. Wie sehen Sie das?
Viele Grüße
Hi Team,
over the weekend I figured out that the API call limit seem not to be reset in some cases. Because of an error in my scripts using PyVicare. I consumed up my 1450 calls during Saturday afternoon.
Now, Monday noon I still get same "daily limit" message when accessing the API thru Postman.
How to address those issues belonging to my account?!
Not sure what RateLimit means in detail but even if its "ms" then I do not want to wait another 451872 hours before being allowed to access API
Thanks for explanation.
So my API calls then are banned for ~60hrs. I dont think thats what I read out from API documentation.
Hi Viessmann-Team & @MichaelHanna
can you pls check the ban rules on your end and correct them?! Im banned for two days now.
Would be great to get my account unlocked before it get banned over and over.
Hi @prior_philip & @phildaub23 ,
We have checked with our development team and did testing on the mentioned issue, but could not find any bugs on the logic. After reaching limits, requests are not counted at all so they can’t lead to extending ban.
If the issue still occurs on your side, please contact me directly via PM and provide us with steps for reproducing the issue, as well as your user id (login name) and your client id (API key) to remove the >24h ban.
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