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EC error on Vitgate 200 KNX


One of our clients has two Vitotronic:  Vitotronic 300-K (type MW2B) and Vitotronic 200-H (type HK3B). We connected those two Vitotronic devices to Vitogate 200 for integration with KNX system and there is EC error on Vitogate. Setting the exact same time on both Vitotronic devices didn't help at all. Both Vitotronic devices have been working for 8 years. Vitogate is new. We connected it a month ago. Everything was done with the installation guide. 
Can someone explain where is the problem and what we can do about it ?

Ich habe den gleichen Fehler, was ist hier die Ursache?

Changing coding 7b on the Vitotronic 300-K controller to 1, and on the Vitotronic 200-H to 0. This solved the problem.
