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Vicare Smart Climate - keine Komponente erreichbar

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Während der Frühlings- und Sommerzeit habe ich den intelligenten Klimaschalter in der Vicare-App auf "aus" gestellt (ich dachte, dies würde etwas Batterie an den Ventilen sparen, indem ich die Ventilmotoren nicht basierend auf meinem eingestellten Winterheizplan öffnet und schließe). Heute habe ich es auch wieder eingeschaltet, um zu sehen, ob alles noch funktioniert, auch in der Hoffnung, dass in der Zwischenzeit einige Verbesserungen vorgenommen wurden.

Jedoch wurde keine meiner Vicare-Komponenten (9 Ventile, 2 Repeater, 2 Klimasensoren) wieder angeschlossen! Nicht an Vicare, nicht an Vitoguide, nicht an den Kessel oder nicht ad hoc.

Dinge die ich bisher probiert habe:
- Die Einzelraumsteuerung wurde mehrmals aus- und eingeschaltet
- Gateway und Kessel neu gestartet
- Batterien gewechselt, einen anderen USB-Adapter für den Repeater verwendet
- Der Low Power modus (RF) am Kessel wurde mehrmals aus- und eingeschaltet
- Alle Einstellungen überprüft (Back-End verbunden, WLAN verbunden, low power modus an, keine Fehlermeldungen, ...)
- Und zum Schluss: einen meiner Repeater in der Vicare-App entkoppelt und den Anmeldevorgang erneut durchgeführt. Ich habe dies vielleicht 20 Mal versucht, aber ich bleibe immer während des Schritts hängen, in dem Sie die hintere Taste drücken müssen. Die grüne LED leuchtet einmalig kurz auf und das wars. Es wird nichts gefunden. Sogar mit dem Repeater direkt neben meinem Boiler.

Ich wusste, was Sie sagen werden ... wenden Sie sich bitte an Viessmann Belgien. Das habe ich getan, aber ich habe sofort eine automatische Antwort erhalten, dass sie erst am 17. August verfügbar sind. Ich möchte das so schnell wie möglich beheben lassen! Ich habe es mit diesem System gehabt.


Vitodens 222-W B2LF-25: 7722354002934127

Communication module SA1800019WiFi: 7724827105396201, firmware 503.2116.105.0




During the spring and summer time I've set the smart climate toggle in the Vicare app to "off"(thinking this would save some battery on the valves by not opening and closing the valve motors based on my set winter heating schedule). Today I toggled it back on too see if everything is still working, also hoping some improvements were made in the meantime.

However none of my Vicare components (9 valves, 2 repeaters, 2 climate sensors) got reconnected! Not to Vicare, not to Vitoguide, not to the boiler or not ad hoc.


Things I've tried so far:
- Toggled the single room control off and on multiple times
- Restarted the gateway and the boiler
- Changed batteries, used a different usb adapter for the repeater
- Toggled the low-power mode on the boiler off and on multiple times
- Checked all settings (back-end connected, wifi connected, low power on, no error messages, ...)
- And finally: decoupled one of my repeaters in the Vicare app and ran the registration procedure again. I've tried this maybe 20 times but I always get stuck during the step where you have to press the back button. The green led lights up briefly for a single time and that's it. Nothing gets found. Even with the repeater right next to my boiler.


I known what you are going to say...please contact Viessmann Belgium. I did, but I immediately got an automated response they are not available until the 17th of August. I would like to get this fixed asap! I've had it with this system.


Vitodens 222-W B2LF-25: 7722354002934127

Communication module SA1800019WiFi: 7724827105396201, firmware 503.2116.105.0


@Hansi_Buentgens @CustomerCareBen 


Is someone looking into this? I've spend countless hours trying to fix this, but without results. Such an expensive system yet so unreliable, how can this be?


Please let this not take months for a response like last time!

Still have zero connection to any off my smart climate components. My very expensive heating system is effectively not usable at the moment.


If this would have happened during the winter I would not only figuratively but also literally have been left in the cold by Viessmann.


Please reply soon.

Yet another day has passed without any reaction from Viessmann.

My heating system is effectively useless because of this problem, and yet again I receive zero response from Viessmann! Be it here or any of my emails.





Still awaiting support from Viessmann, system still completely offline.

Yet more emails and phone calls later, still zero support. 9 days and counting. How is this possible, how can I take this company serious ?!

Yesterday evening I've been able to get my Vicare Smart Climate components back up and running. To get this resolved I had to remove all components from Vicare, followed by a full factory reset for each component. Afterwards I was able to get them connected back to Vicare.


Thanks to Viessmann Belgium for explaining how to factory reset the climate sensor/repeater. Unlike the valves this was not mentioned in the manual. Only afterwards I did found out it is mentioned on the Vicare zendesk.


I'm glad I got this resolved. However it is very unclear why this happened. There was really no reason for this to occur. Also why is it so hard to receive even basic support? Luckily, due too other ongoing issues, I was able to contact a couple non-public email addresses at Viessmann from which I eventually received a response. From all the public user-facing support addresses (i.e.,,, I've received no response at all!