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ViCare Comfort mode issues


I have the following installation
Vitodens 200-W WB2C
Vitotronic 200 HO1B
Vitotrol 300A
Vitoconnect 100 opto1
ViCare version 2.19.0

For quite some time now (several ViCare updates) the comfort mode stopped working.

Whenever I want to active it, the app says it is done and after a few moments it comes back to eco mode,
see attached video. On both the vitotronic and the vitotrol nothing happens.

When I completely reset the vitoconnect and set it up again I can get it to work one time and then it stops again...

Could you help me with this? seems like a sofware issue, as I can get it to work when I reset the vitoconnect.

Kind regards,


Hello Pak0,

please send us your request to
We also need the serialnumber of your Vitoconnect, to check the connection.

Best wishes Benjamin from the Customer-Care-Team