Heute musste ich feststellen, dass alle Temperatureinstellungen, die ich zuvor gemacht hatte, eliminiert waren. In allen Räumen sind alle drei Temperaturen gleich und auf 18 Grad eingestellt.
Gestern habe ich lediglich das Update auf die neuste Beta Version von Vicare erhalten, Vicare Plus abonniert und zwei Familienmitglieder eingeladen. Nicht mehr.
Woher kann diese falsche Einstellung kommen? (ich korrigiere das jetzt wieder)
Same for us!
However, I noticed last night, in ViGuide, that a firmware update was made. That's probably the reason!
And the ViCare interface has changed, returning to the previous version 3.15.0 for IOS!
I can no longer select fractions of a degree in the heating program setting area.
Additional: at the time of writing this reply, the Viessmann servers are inactive!!!
Beta-Versionen werden hier nicht supportet, dafür sind es schließlich Testversionen.
Wer also am Betatest teilnimmt muss auch damit rechnen, dass mal etwas nicht so läuft wie es sein soll.
Hi Benjamin!
I described above a problem encountered last night.
Do you think that this is also normal to happen? Unannounced firmware update and application functionality change WITHOUT any kind of notification?!?! This does not mean customer care!
Unfortunately, there is no technical support at Viessmann Romania. That's why I appeal to your goodwill, the moderators on this forum, and please pass this problem on to your colleagues from development.
Sebastian Vlaicu
In our community we only support in German and only heating systems and components which are produced for the German market. If you need support in your native language or support for a system which is not produced for the German market, please tell us where you are from an we will give you the contact details of our competent colleagues in your region.
Greeting Benjamin from the Customer-Care-Team
I understand that you are doing your job! But try to put yourself in my place: the communication of problems with Viessmann Romania is extremely deficient. At the same time, they do not have quick access, like you, to the development team.
So please once again: please send the reported problem to the development team.
It is a Vitodens 100 B1KF boiler (SN: 7544694119859123, Comm module: 7633107105564213) with ViCare sensor.
Please use the following contact informations.
Thank you! I know! I am an Viessmann client from 2002.
Hallo Benjamin Reuter,
ich möchte Ihre Aussage lediglich dahingehend korrigieren, dass der Fehler auch in der ausgerollten Release-Version enthalten ist. Vgl. hier:
Dazu gibt es auch bereits ein Fehler-Ticket (ISD-76809)
Liebe Grüße
Klaus Hahn
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