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No connection between Vitotrol 300-E and Vitodens 200W



Sorry if I'm writing in English, but I don't speak German. I am very happy to have discovered this site.
I have a problem with the connection between a Vitotrol 300-E and a Vitodens 200W.
My Vitotrol 300-E appears disconnected every 10 minutes or so.

In addition, from time to time (1 time / week), I get a message on my Vitotrol telling me that the update cannot be done because of a Wifi problem, WHEN it is 20cm from a Wifi terminal and the connection is excellent.
 And I'm stuck because in France where I am, my installer can do nothing, and Viessmann France does nothing to unblock me. Can my problem be solved because the temperatures are dropping and I can't use my system properly?
