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vitoconnect ot2 on vitodens 050 33kw

I cannot control the hot water program on ViCare app. Last week I had a vitodens 050 installed and a vitoconnect ot2 unit linked to it. I cannot change the the timing for hot water program on vicare - ios. I need to shower early in the morning, 6 am, and it turns hot water on only **bleep** 7AM. On a demo screen from vicare on android, there is a setting for this, but not available on iOS. Need a fix for this.


Hello malamutza,

please post the serialnumber of your Vitoconnect, that I can check the status at our server.

Best wishes °be


So, here is an update... tried it on an android device, looks the same, cannot set time program for hot water. (which a viessmann tech said should work). I cannot post print screens here to show you how it looks on the app. Anyway, logging off the app, and going in demo mode, it shows controls for the hot water. I have the latest app installed v.2.2.1.

The serialnumber is not correct. Please post the correct number.

Best wishes °be

7637414000310187. sorry, wrote down 310 two times...