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Vitogate 200 and boiler heat control

Hello, apologies for the English but my German writing is not very good. 

I have a Vitodens 200 with a Vitotronic HO2C regulation connected via a LON module to a Vitogate 200. There is no other LON elements.

I would like the heat demand-dependent control objects in the Vitogate to control the production of heat and circulation pump. 

The Vitogate is working properly, I can read data from the boiler and set hot water temperature. However the demand based heating is not working as expected.

I have reduced my setup to a single heat demand-dependant circuit configured with a continous thermal actuator. I would expect this setup to operate as follows:

When the valve is set to 100% for the boiler to produce heat and the circulation pump to start. When the valve is set to 0% for the boiler to stop and the circulation pump to stop. However the heat and circulation seems to work completely independantly of this variable.

There must be something that tells the regulation to use this input rather that what's currently used but I can't figure it out. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Pushing this up in case it's been missed during the holidays


we´re sorry, but we can´t say anything about your programming.
Please contact your installer, who can help you with that.

Greetings °be

Thank you for your reply. However my question is not related to the programming. My question is related to the operation of the Vitodens as controlled by a Vitogate. I have contacted my installer but they are looking for support from Viessman and I thought I could find help here.