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Vitodens 300 / LAN / Vitotrol plus app


I live in Denmark and my German is not that good - so this question is in english 🙂

I've got a Vitodens 300 with lan interface (touch screen model)

I've got the lan interface up and running (got some firmware updated) and I got the vitotrol plus app installed on my Iphone (only avaliable in the german Itune store ?)

I did the registration (hersteller and ID) in the app which completed succesfully but when I log into the app I receive this "there is no system present supported by the vitotrol plus"

Can you please help me - what is wrong ?


Kind regards



Akzeptierte Lösungen
Hello Carsten,

please try again. Now there must be a connection!

Greetings °jo

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen


Hi Carsten,
the symbol for "LAN-Verbindung aktiv" has to be visible on the display of the control unit.


Also the option "Automatische Updates" has to be activated.

Is there a powerline adapter installed between your router and the control unit?

Greetings from Germany °jo

Hi Hansi,
I think everything is fine at my installation
The Vitodens 300 show lan connected in the display - I can see an ip address and i can ping the adress from my computer (192.168.0.x).
The automatic update is activated - I received and installed an update for the lan module
No - no powerline - the lan module is directly connected to my router.
Is there any way that you can check if my registration (is my serial/hersteller and ID correct) and it is registered with my login ?
I could mail this information to you if you provide me an email address 🙂
Hello Carsten,

please send your Login-Data and your password to

Kind regards

Done !
Hello Carsten,

please try again. Now there must be a connection!

Greetings °jo
Perfect - its working 🙂
Thanks - just curious - what was wrong ?
There was a problem with our server! Everything you did was correct!

Greetings °jo