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Bonjour je vais changer de routeur quel son les manipulation a faire pour changer l'adresse wifi de mon vitoconnect merci


Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hallo Shz11,


maybe we can shorten that and I can help you with providing the instructions.


You need to reconfigure the network connection.

If you have an Vitoconnect OPTO1 please follow these instructions:


If you have a Vitoconnect OPTO2, this is the way:


Best regards

Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen


Hello Shz1,


in this community we can only support devices sold and operated in Germany since we have no access to devices and accounts located outside of Germany.

Please contact your regional service via mail, you can find the address on the Viessmann homepage of your country under "Contact".


Best regards,

Chris - Customer Care Team

Merci mais il n'existe pas de forum à part celui là je voulais juste savoir ce que je dois faire pour changer le wifi de mon vitoconnect si je change de routeur merci

Hallo Shz11,


maybe we can shorten that and I can help you with providing the instructions.


You need to reconfigure the network connection.

If you have an Vitoconnect OPTO1 please follow these instructions:


If you have a Vitoconnect OPTO2, this is the way:


Best regards

Un grand merci top
