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Vitocall 222 problem mit heizung


can I write my issue in english?

I have problem with Heizung (Vitocal 222), if I set the temperature for heizung (for example 50deg. - see in the picture), buffer tank heats up only for +-30deg and then the pump is switch off.

I am completed check service menu with manual and I did not found the mistake, or wrong settings. Can someone help me? Regards, Ota, Czech. rep.



Hello ota,

did you change any configuration of the control unit before this disfunction was given?

Please tell me your actual configuration of the following parameters:

Codieradress 7200, 7202, 7204, 7208

Did you configure a "Festwert" Timeprogram for the heating?

Best regards, °ch

This situation is **bleep** short blackout, but in our location is frequent blackouts.
7200 = 1
7202 = 500
7204 = 600
7208 = 150

Situation with "festwerk" is a same like with "normal" mode. Of course, for festwerk is other temperature (code 7202 = 50deg)

Ok, thanks. Everything seems fine and should be working from the boiler parameters. You can try a reset of the control unit, to make sure, that no other parameters cause this disfunction. Otherwise, if this disfunction is also present after the reset, there should be something faulty at the control unit.

Best regards, °ch