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How can I connect Vitosolic SD1 with Vitotronic 100 100

Hi all, I am a italian customer that I recently bought a Vitodens 200w , Vitosol 200FM solar kit and Vitotrol 200A.
I don't know how can I connect the Vitosolic SD1 with Vitotronic 100 : in my kit there isn't any cable in order to connect this devices.
On Vitodens 200w manual I read that I could connect the Vitotrol and Vitosolic on 145 connector on Vitotronic, by KM bus.

What kind of wiring cable/device I can buy to resolve this problem ?

Thanks in advance.

Hey Stefano,

the Vitotrol 200 only works on Vitotronic 200 and the Vitotronic 200 system only operates with an outside temperature sensor. With Vitotronic 100 you have no chance to use this.

So you have Vitotronic 100 or 200?

Vitosolic 100 connected via the plug 145 (KM-Bus). You need a cable made of copper 0,75mm²

kind regards °pa
Viele Grüße
Patrick vom Customer-Care-Team

Hi Patrick,
thanks a lot for the answer.
You are rigth: I have a Vitotronic 200.
I also connected the Vitotrol 200A on 145 plug and It works fine.
Now my question is this: at the 145 plug is already connect the Vitotrol, how can I connect also the Vitosolic ?
I have one plug for 2 devices. Can I connect together the 0.75mm wiring or can I buy a new connector in order to connect Vitotrol and Vitosolic to the same plug ?

Could you kindly send me a schematic ?

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards.

For Vitotrol and Vitosolic you can use the same 145 plug. The bus system is able to separate the two signals.

It is also possible to connect from Vitotronic 200 >> Vitosolic >> Vitotrol (series connection)

Best Regards °pa
Viele Grüße
Patrick vom Customer-Care-Team