In the ViCare app, I see there is a quick selection called "I want hot water". I assume this will do a one-time DHW preheat, and allow the hot water to come up to temp a bit quicker prior to taking a shower, running my dishwasher, etc?
Any further information or enlightenment on this feature will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hello JohnnyZero,
in our community we only support in German and only heating systems and components which are produced for the German market. If you need support in your native language or support for a system which is not produced for the German market, please tell us where you are from an we will give you the contact details of our competent colleagues in your region.
Greeting Benjamin from the Customer-Care-Team
From my experience: no preheat, just warming up the water to the set temperature. I find it useful when hot water is available based on a schedule, and you want hot water outside the interval during which the hot water schedule is active.
Hope this helps.
Hot Water will be warmed only outside the defined schedule if the current température is below the température defined less the defined delta
Current T° : 52,5
Defined t° : 52
Delta defined : 1°
If you press "i want hot water" the water will be warmed when the t° will be below 51°
If you want to produce hot water you will have to increase the defined T° 1° above 52,5 ° in my example
This is the logic of the viessmann developpers
As you i was hoping that the water will be warmed independently of the schedule and independently of the current T° till the defined T° plus 2,5°
I suggest you have a look at "i want warm longer" when you have people staying later than the programmed warning schedule
If the hot water curent température is below 51° in my example; the hot water will be warmed before you will be able to heat the room as if the people you invited at home needed to take a shower before continuing to discuss with you
This is also the logic of the viessmann developper; the probably did not use the material they sell
When i purchased my vitodens 200 in July 2019, the user manual describe the desired behavior, the previous heating phase will be prolonged
I signalled this problem to Viessmann Belgium and they told me that "warm longer" was previously called "reception mode" and that it has always worked like this and that this was an error in the manuals (in all languages)
So someone described what we want as behavior but the developper and the tester did not read the user's manual
and now they have changed the manual in order to describe this silly behavior