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service /devices/{{deviceId}}/features return empty data since 2022-Nov-15


I am using the following service ::

curl -X GET{{installationId}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}}/devices/{{deviceId}}/features

until now, this was running OK, suddenly on 2022-Nov-15 11:00, the presented service returned empty data




whereas the following worked OK:


curl -X GET{{installationId}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}}/devices



As I did not changed anything on my setup, I would like to know if there is server issue somewhere.


It is annoying as the 'winter is coming' and it prevents energy saving on my side.

thank you very much for your help, 






Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi Max,

please find below fix proposed by moderator:

After further investigation, we found that you are using ViCare via a Family&Friends share. To have the API use working for you as well, the original owner of the installation (the account that invited you to the installation) must login on the Developer Portal first. This is requirement and before, you cannot access the IoT features of the device.


I do confirm I was using the API with an "invited login" when it failed , by reusing the API with the owner login it worked.

I guess on Nov 15th, there was probably a "user 's right campaign" on Viessman side that caused this effect.


I hope it will fix your issue as for me.


Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen



just an idea... have you checked the complete response (JSON object) to your request? Could it be that the refresh token has expired? In that case you would find an error message like "token exired". The refresh token's lifetime is 180 days. but since the second request produced a valid response It's probably not that...

If you could post the complete response of the failed request, it might be helpful for analyzing where the problem lies

kind regards



Hi, thank you for the support. You are guessing well: I have no problem of authentification as the other API worked well with non empty content.  I am using the service thru ViCare in python

so while calling:

answer is :
get raw <Response [200]>
Response to get request: {'data': []}


I have renewed my API key with same empty results.



I am at a loss here. It doesn't seem like an authentication problem as already mentioned. Looks like there is no data available from your installation. Does the ViCare App show anything? Have you already tried to restart VitoConnect?


Maybe you can try getting a single parameter like outside temperature:{{installationID}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial...


If that doesn't produce any result either, I'd recommend to contact one of the moderators here and provide the VitoConnect's serial number. They can check whether your VitoConnect device is sending any data to the Viessmann Servers and or reset your account.

Good luck





Hi Chris,

ViCare App on my mobile works as expected. Even after power cycling VitoConnect, calling various features returns 404 error


but with root address got 200 success but with empty data


I will go in contact with moderator. thanks you very much.


I'm experiencing the same issue, since around the same time. The device is a VDensHO1_4 + VitoconnectOptolink.

The Vicare App works without problems.



Hi Max, 

the moderators are trying some fix, no success so far. I will update the topic to keep you informed.


Hi Max,

please find below fix proposed by moderator:

After further investigation, we found that you are using ViCare via a Family&Friends share. To have the API use working for you as well, the original owner of the installation (the account that invited you to the installation) must login on the Developer Portal first. This is requirement and before, you cannot access the IoT features of the device.


I do confirm I was using the API with an "invited login" when it failed , by reusing the API with the owner login it worked.

I guess on Nov 15th, there was probably a "user 's right campaign" on Viessman side that caused this effect.


I hope it will fix your issue as for me.


Unfortunately I am also having the same issue, but not using an "invited login" or at least I didn't know it so far. How can I determine which kind of login I am using?



@abo did you register the installation in the ViCare app with your account?

Also, please provide me your username (via PN) so we can have a closer look.



Did you fix your problem? I got no data for features too.



No not yet. This is still under investigation. Other requests like this, which is from the documentation, returns an internal server error:

Account is the same for ViCare App and for the Developper Portal and the configured Client.

I have sent you the username via PN.

@FrankyM is your issue still valid? Then please send me your account name via PN so we can have a closer look.

@abo the IT-Support is checking the issue. I will inform you updates.



Hi @MichaelHanna, yes the problem still exist. I will send you the requested account name.

Thanks @MichaelHanna, I checked the API today and it works perfect as described, so someone from the IT-Support solved the issue 🙂

Hello, I know this is an old thread, but I have the same problem since January 31, 2024, at 12:25. My code had been running for exactly 230 days then I started receiving a Status Code 200, but the data is empty.{{installationID}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}...


this is probably because the parameter {devciceID} has been moved by the Viessmen. A solution (in German) can be found here or at my website - see below.

A quick and dirty solutution would be to replace {deviceID} with a "0" .




Thank you, Chris,

that was exactly my problem. Viessmann seems to have changed the position in the array. I took the liberty of expanding your flow with an additional function to make it somewhat more dynamic. It is possible to find the correct element using the deviceType property in the array. The correct property has the value "heating." Here is my function to select the element:


var deviceArray =;
var pos = deviceArray.findIndex((element) => element.deviceType === 'heating');[pos].id;
return msg;


glad to help. This is exactly the same approach I made in my blog and the cited solution in this community.

I wonder whether the deviceType varies if the appliance is "Cooling" or "Photovoltaic".

