I'm trying to send a command via the API, for example I want to activate the feature "oneTimeCharge". I tried to send such POST request: https://api.viessmann-platform.io/iot/v1/equipment/installations/My-Installation_ID/gateways/My-Gateway_Serial/devices/0/features/heating.dhw.oneTimeCharge/commands/activate Sending the above with a valid Bearer Token does return: { "viErrorId": "req-06063841ce214195b3fa08643a51cd60", "statusCode": 422, "errorType": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "message": "VALIDATION_ERROR", "validationErrors": [ { "path": [ "commandBody" ], "type": "any.invalid", "message": "invalid value, most likely wrong format" } ], "extendedPayload": { "commandBody": "EMPTY_MODEL" } } or with the header Content-Type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" { "viErrorId": "req-25befbaad52e473c921fe9a0e8439be7", "statusCode": 500, "errorType": "INTERNAL_ERROR", "message": "Internal server error" } Where is my mistake?
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