in der ViCare-App kann ich unter Systemeinstellungen die Option "Nur Warmwasser aktiv" oder "Warmwasser und Heizung aktiv" nicht mehr auswählen. Eingeschaltet ist "Nur Heizung aktiv". Ausschalten geht auch. Die Warmwasserversorgung ist an der Therme Vitodens 200-W eingeschaltet und sie funktioniert auch. Ich habe bereits die App gelöscht und neu heruntergeladen, es hat sich aber nichts geändert.
Was kann ich tun?
Viele Grüße von Th7
Hallo Th7,
die Betriebsart für das Warmwasser wird neuerdings auch über die Kachel für das Warmwasser gesteuert.
Gruß Benjamin vom Customer-Care-Team
Vielen Dank
I've noticed the same and found a recent entry in the App Store Ratings and Reviews:
Hey Soulls1, sorry for the inconvenience. We have introduced special changes in which we have separated the heating and DHW mode settings. The active DHW mode can now be selected in the DHW tile #WeCare
As a result however, the DHW tile doesn't get updated to reflect the system settings, and it is also not possible to regulate the temperature. The new operating mode control is a welcome feature, but further refinements are needed to keep the app consistent and restore lost functionality.
In our community we only support in German and only heating systems and components which are produced for the German market. If you need support in your native language or support for a system which is not produced for the German market, please tell us where you are from an we will give you the contact details of our competent colleagues in your region.
Greeting Benjamin from the Customer-Care-Team
Hi Benjamin,
I doubt this is a country specific issue. There are announcements in the Developer section (in English) about changes to the API and I trust the ViCare App is communicating through that. Unfortunately for some reason I can't post there.
I suggest you check with the developers.
I'm in the UK btw.
Das hat damit nichts zu tun.
Bitte ggf. meine Antwort nochmal lesen.
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