Hi, Winter holydays are near and that means more time around home. That will bring change in my family daily schedule and of course the heating schedule must be adjusted accordingly. Since in ViCare there is no option to switch fast between different scenarios, that would be a good challenge for me to solve in my home management app and automatically send the commands to the boiler via API. So I am thinking to develop the following scenarios: 1. Active (leave home in the morning return late afternoon) Heating 19C during day and 21C evening, night, early morning Water 50C evening OFF for the rest 2. Active & Guests (leave home in the morning return late afternoon, grandparents always around) Heating 21C all day and night Water 50C evening OFF for the rest 3. Holyday @ home (always around) Heating 21C all day and night Water 50C evening, 30C for the rest 4. Party prep (family around & coking allot) Heating 21C all day and night Water 65C evening, 50C for the rest 5. Party time (house full of guests) Heating 19C all day and night Water 50C evening, 30C for the rest 6. Holiday (nobody home all day long) Heating 8C all day long and night Water OFF all day and night 7. Holiday return (3 days before return) day -3 - Heating 10C all day and night Water OFF all day and night day -2 - Heating 15C all day and night day -1 - Heating 19C all day and night Water 10C all day and night If, as developer, have some other scenarios to add, would be useful for me to know about. Also any related experience you can share. Best, Sorin
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