Hi, I just had some trouble to set a new schedule for the ventilation. Other features like the OneTimeCharge work without a problem. Currently I'm using the command features/ventilation.schedule/commands/setSchedule with the following settings. { "mon":[{"start":"00:00","end":"24:00","mode":"standard","position":0}], ... "sun":[{"start":"00:00","end":"24:00","mode":"standard","position":0}], } Sadly I get the following error: {"code":"500","reason":"COMMAND_EXECUTION_FAILURE","details":"Invalid schedule entry mode: standard."}} When I look up the current configured modes at /features/ventilation.schedule/ they are called "levelThree" for standard and "levelFour" for intensive ventilation. If I use "levelThree" instead of standard I also get an error: {"code":"400","reason":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":"The parameter newSchedule ... does not meet the constraints {\"type\":\"Schedule\",\"modes\":[\"reduced\",\"standard\",\"intensive\"], \"maxEntries\":8,\"resolution\":10,\"defaultMode\":\"basic\",\"overlapAllowed\":true}: Entry 'mon' has invalid mode."}} Can anybody please help me out?
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