I just had some trouble to set a new schedule for the ventilation. Other features like the OneTimeCharge work without a problem.
Currently I'm using the command features/ventilation.schedule/commands/setSchedule with the following settings.
Sadly I get the following error:
{"code":"500","reason":"COMMAND_EXECUTION_FAILURE","details":"Invalid schedule entry mode: standard."}}
When I look up the current configured modes at /features/ventilation.schedule/
they are called "levelThree" for standard and "levelFour" for intensive ventilation.
If I use "levelThree" instead of standard I also get an error:
{"code":"400","reason":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":"The parameter newSchedule ... does not meet the constraints {\"type\":\"Schedule\",\"modes\":[\"reduced\",\"standard\",\"intensive\"],
Entry 'mon' has invalid mode."}}
Can anybody please help me out?
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
@TigerVI90 Thanks for the additional explanation.
For problems that directly occur in ViCare, you can try and use the feedback function within the app. This makes clarification easier and directs the problem to the right teams.
Hi @TigerVI90 ,
have you tried changing the schedule through ViCare, does this work?
For testing, please try other modes in your request, e.g. intensive or reduced.
Hi, @MichaelHanna
thanks for your response.
i tried it with the ViCare App, and it doesnt work either. I attached a Screenshot from the app including the error message. => "Error occured while setting the schedule". The only way I can currently set a new schedule is to programm it directly at the Vitocal 200S control panel.
I also tried using intensive and reduced as parameter an got the error 500. (same as it was for "standard")
@TigerVI90 Thanks for the additional explanation.
For problems that directly occur in ViCare, you can try and use the feedback function within the app. This makes clarification easier and directs the problem to the right teams.
Thanks @MichaelHanna.
Got in contact with the support via the ViCare app, seems the error was on the API side. Setting the shedule via App and API call works now. 🙂 "LevelThree" Mode is now called "normal" when read out via /features/ventilation.schedule/