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"One-off cylinder heating" on panel equals to "heating.dhw.oneTimeCharge" ?

I need help to understand if there is a 1:1 between the on panel "One-off cylinder heating" and the API call for oneTimeCharge, or if this is soemthing different?


TL;DR: the oneTimeCharge API call is not giving the expected result for me, is it for any of you?


Long version:

I run my heater with a morning heat and an afternoon heat for the dhw-tank, in general that works fine but now and then an additional heating is needed. For that purpose we follow the instructions as found here on bottome of page 24 5811580VBA00002_1.PDF ( 


The text on the page states: 
"One-off cylinder heating"/ , to start a one-off
cylinder heat-up by the boiler.
The DHW cylinder is heated to the set DHW temperature.
To terminate cylinder heating early, tap "One-off
cylinder heating" again.

I read that as a 1:1 between activate and deactivate API calls. Is that also how others read it and does it work for you calling  to activate equivalently to doing it on the panel? For me it does not work 😕

So first I need to understand if this is a 1:1 of what to do on the display or not? (I have also tried it in the vicare app also no luck).

Just for the record the result from the API call is

    "data": {
But the feature  heating.dhw.oneTimeCharge still shows as false afterwards. Then if I right after hit the button on the display, it starts the heating.

So in essence three questions:
1. Is it meant to be a 1:1 between display and API call or not? (I assume it is)
2. The quick access on viCare is using the same or equivalent API calls or not? (I assume it is)
3. If it is a 1:1 and you get COMMAND_EXECUTION_SUCCESS in return and it does not start. What is wrong? (When it starts if you do it on the display instead)
Anyone had any experience on this? Does the API call work for any of you ?

Hi @jborup ,


The feature heating.dhw.oneTimeCharge shows whether one time charge of your dhw is active. It also provides the commands to activate/deactivate it.


Could you provide the payload when calling the feature (not when doing the activate command)? What is ViCare showing when activating the feature through the app?

@MichaelHanna so did I understand you did confirm that the manual and displays "One-off cylinder heating" is equal to using the api for onetimecharge? So no reason not to expect this to do the same - correct? (It really is not clear as two different terms are used so at least mentioned that in the feature in the developer portal that it is the same 🙂 ).


You asked for the payload of the feature (GET) request, I assume you refer to the response payload aka body? No payload is provided when doing the GET call for the feature (not possible).

            "properties": {
                "active": {
            "commands": {
                "activate": {
                    "params": {}
                "deactivate": {
                    "params": {}
            "components": []

And in both the API and vicare app no errors are given!


However I can clearly see in the event API that the calls has been made! And where I can also see temperature changes made etc... so the API clearly notes and accepts the requests... and the temperature change and mode change request are received and executed on the boiler... but the onetimecharge is just not! 😞


            "body": {
                "commandBody": {}

So to me this looks like another bug 😕


What would be next steps to take? Having the event logs to show what happens from the boiler it self and its response codes would be a natural thing as I see it. Right now it looks like the events just means "received and sent to boiler" in a fire and forget mode. It would make sense to also have a confirmation from boiler.... ?

And to me it looks like it is almost there but I can not trust COMMAND_EXECUTION_SUCCESS (ref first post in this thread).


What to do ?


I am using the API call for OneTimeCharge (as tested now), I do get the result as you posted in the OP however my System goes into OneTimeCharge ( Vitodens 333F). This is also shown in the return of a GetRequest to the API.

Please post the final part of your GetRequest ( the part after: / devices/0/features.. ").

@JueBag thanks for taking the time to confirm it works as expected. Seems like what you achieve with your Vitodens 333F is exactly what I would have expected with my Vitodens 300W as well. This also means that I should now be able to say this is a bug not just a misunderstanding. So I will ask Viessmann to consider it a bug - also supported by the fact that the vicare app does the exact same thing (no errors and no onetime charge starting on the boiler).

Could you confirm you also get the response to the POST CALL ?


I am happy to paste what you ask, but I am not quite sure what you are asking?

Is it the POST CALL and its response for the activate call or?

Or is it the GET CALL and its reponse for the feature?

(Btw I have done this both via postman, via pyViCare and the vicare app... all of them are unsuccesful..).


I get the exact same response as in your OP when doing the POST call.

I asked for the parts of your GET call.

Are you saying that the call to activate the OneTimeCharge via ViCare is also unsuccessful? In other words this function is starting ONLY when commanding from the control station of the heating system?

Yes it ONLY works when commanding directly from the control station of the heating system.

That all sounds like a problem with your system, especially when reading your other posts. However I'm just a customer as you are, keeping fingers crossed that Viessmann will find the cause.