Woche der Wärmepumpe

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heating.compressors.1.statistics data point disabled

The API call to heating.compressors.1.statistics seems to be disabled

also, the heating.compressors only returns one compressors when there are actually 2.


Please can you indicate why this does not work and when it may be fixed ?


"apiVersion": 1,
"commands": {},
"deviceId": "0",
"feature": "heating.compressors.1.statistics",
"gatewayId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"isEnabled": false,
"isReady": true,
"properties": {},
"timestamp": "2024-09-28T09:17:10.400Z",
"uri": "https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v2/features/installations/XXXXXX/gateways/XXXXXXXXXXXXXX/devices/0/fea..."


Please can anyone help with this problem ? I can see it has been a problem in the past and was resolved.
