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Hello Viessmann,


I’m using the unofficial api for 6 months now. I just migrated to the official one. The update was smooth and easy. I’m just experiencing problems with 2 datapoints:


  • heating.circuits.N.temperature (target temperature of outlet)
  • (current temperature of outlet)


As this points where part of the (free) official API from the beginning, I doubt that this has something todo with the update itself. I’m using those exact datapoints through the old API for 6 months now and they where working stable until the 15. July. Is there maybe a misconfiguration in your servers or does my Vitodens need an update? Am I missing something?


The datapoints are there in the response, just no value in it. This is the response I get (gateway id removed):


[32] => Array


                    [properties] => Array




                    [commands] => Array




                    [components] => Array


                            [0] => temperature



                    [apiVersion] => 1

                    [uri] => 

                    [gatewayId] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                    [feature] => heating.circuits.1.sensors

                    [timestamp] => 2021-07-22T10:37:31.306Z

                    [isEnabled] => 1

                    [isReady] => 1

                    [deviceId] => 0


[133] => Array               


[properties] => Array                       

(                        )                    

[commands] => Array                      

(                        )                    

[components] => Array                       

(                        )                    

[apiVersion] => 1                   

[uri] =>                    

 [gatewayId] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[feature] =>                   

[timestamp] => 2021-07-22T10:39:52.820Z                  

[isEnabled] =>                    

 [isReady] => 1                   

 [deviceId] => 0                )


Thanks very much for everything






Hi @davids1 ,


both features heating.circuits.N.temperature and are still be available.


From the response you posted I can see you are using "". Please use "" and try to call both features.

Thanks Michael!


That's the strange thing. I definitely call the new URL That's the first thing I've checked. Neverteless the response contains the old URL. I've read about a similar issue in another thread here.


I connected my heating system to your servers in January 2020 before the start of the official API. In the meantime I used the old unofficial API. Is it possible that there was a BUG with the old accounts migrated to your new servers?


What I also did is to delete my client and create a new one (and of course I powercycled my heating and the network infrastructure). Or do I need to delete  all my Viesssmann accounts and create new ones?


I think this one I can't fix myself...


Thanks very much



Hi davids1 , 


you are right the response contains the the URL "". So this is not the issue as I first expected.


There has not been any migration to new servers or similar recently. The only thing that happened is that an old API client has been disabled. The API itself, as well as all accounts, are still the same as before. So there should be no need to delete your API client and especially there is no need to delete your account.


Are the values for the available in your ViCare app? Could you provide me your GatewaySerial (via DM if you like) so we can have a closer look?

Thanks Michael!


Since today morning datapoint "" is working. Whatever you guys did, you hit the rignt button, thanks very much!


Datapoint "heating.circuits.N.temperature"still isn't working. So whatever you did, could you do it also for this datapoint? (same for "heating.power.consumption" but that's another thread...)


Thanks very much




Half an year later I'm still having the same problem here. works perfect.

heating.circuits.1.temperature polling is possible (so path / structure seems to be valid?), but no value is given back (see JSON-object which is given as answer from the Viessmann servers).


Yes, I doublechecked circuit number (in my case it is "1").


Any hints how to solve this issue?


Kind regards,



Hi @Saint ,


in another thread we discussed the same issue. Please check my answer over there


Is it possible that your system is running a "weather compensated regulation-mode"? In this case, it could be that there is no target temperature available in the feature you mentioned.


Best regards,



Hi Michael,


thank you for your reply.


Yes, indeed my system is running "weather"-mode using the input of the Viessmann temperature sensor, which measurements can be polled via heating.sensors.temperature.outside.


What I want to achieve is to track the "desired room temperature" for special purpose, for e.g. analyzing how fast the de facto room temperature adapts to the desired room temperature.

I am aware that the "desired room temperature" is set bei the time-scheduled heating mode "reduced / normal / comfort". But is there another datapoint available in the API which can deliver the "desired room temperature"? (in screenshot of ViCare it is 20 degrees celsius).


Or is it necessary to poll and then tinker around with a few lines of code on my own which will create a variable depending the active program and predefined three desired temperatures?

Kind of: if = "normal" then variable = 20 degrees?


Kind regards, Daniel


Temporarily I am using a workaround to achieve my "goal" using Node Red.


  • "Heizmodus abfragen" is now polling
  • "Temperatur festlegen" switches to one of three outputs depending on the given back "active program".
  • "normal --> 20" changes msg.payload to the preconfigured temperature levels (in my case 17 / 20 / 22).
  • "influxDB" writes the result to my database. Starting from there I can post-preocess the results in Grafana, etc

I am fine with this result but maybe there is a datapoint which provides this information without the need of my above workaround.



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Bild 18.01.22 um 12.23.jpeg