Hi! I’m planning to buy a gas boiler (to heat a total of 6 radiators in three rooms) and was searching for a solution. Because of relatively hotter weather here (in Bulgaria) and obviously smaller home I was looking for a moderate solution. Most of the manufacturers provide suitable solutions including Vissmann with their W-100 series. I was really surprised to find that the already update the lineup of W-100 and also decided to provide Viessmann’s own home automation solution. Started searching for more info and your post appears #6 for ViCare. I’m really disappointed to find out the long list of problems noted here while still I’m not sure ViCare will be able to work with W-100 boilers. By the way, check the link below. I found a company that is designing the IOT lineup for Viessmann. Obviously they have a version of a thermostat with physical UI and output on a display. Looks really good (compared to many others), but the all the mentioned problems here are really discouraging. I’ll continue following your posts, because they are the real review of the products, so thanks for your efforts! https://www.pong.design/viessmann-vicare
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