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Can you trust heating.sensors.temperature.outside ? Yes or no from others please :-)

Hi community,


I would like to hear your view on if you trust and have an updated  heating.sensors.temperature.outside reading? Have any of you similar issues? Or can you confirm the readings can be trusted?


Yes or no or more details from any of you in the community would be good.


Let me show what I mean, taken from my home assistant here is an outside temperature reading that fluctuates and seems to be working, and a boiler temperature that seems to be working (only doing dhw), and then the outside temperature. 



By showing outside temperature by other sources I am proving the temperature surely changes, and by showing the boiler temperature I am showing that the unit does send data and its readings can be picked up by the API. (Also let me be clear the boiler itself in its display does show meaningful temperatures!)


PS! The vicare app shows the same values as the API....


Looking forward to responses, and perhaps Viessmann will consider a bug investigation 🙂


If I understand correctly the blue outside temperature line is from an external source and the pink line is the API reading.

That looks odd. My API readings for the outside temperature are fluctuating as your  blue line, I can "see" when the sun is blocked from the sensor (at 10:00 local).

@JueBag thanks for your response here. I take this as well as I should now be able to report this as a bug to Viessmann.


You did understand it correctly the pink line is the reading of the outside temperature from the boilers external sensor. And the blue is from "another source". And I see the same issue both on the API as well as the vicare app.


It is really strange and I wonder if it is:

1. Vitodens 300W specific (as others has reported missing burner statistics as the rest of you get as well)

2. My installation (which I wiped completely now and got a new installationId. and in the installation stil has the issue - and I can set temperature operations mode etc both in vicare and API... but as mentioned outside temperature readings and onetimecharge commands is not working)

3. API gateway of Viessmann that has "dark holes" in certain combinations 😕

@MichaelHanna could you please report this as a bug now it seems to be fair to do now. And I guess I have confirmation now that the outside temperature reading via API should reflect the true reading from the outside attached sensor of the boiler, but at least for me it is stuck and useless in the API and vicare...


What kind of values for the outsidd temperature do you see when manually checking it on the heating device and in ViCare? Are rhey different to the values you are getting from the API?

If the heating System is reporting the same values as you get from the API it is probably the sensor,

If only ViCare shows the same values but Not the heating System it is somewhere in the interface from the heating System to the API. My guess is the later one ( accounting for your other problems).

So, accuracy for sure is not the best from that sensor. It looks like its precision is +/- 1 degree Celsius. 


However, I see the value is much more frequently updated in my case. See the attached image. 
