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Refreshing my Token failes since 09:00 DEC 18th (works on the server on Saturday?)

I don't get  any valid returns since the above time, is this related to the posted server works or anything else.

There was no change to the used code on my side.


Akzeptierte Lösungen

@bz no problem – I btw now got what you intended to say. Yes, it is necessary to walk through the described authrization process once again to obtain a new refresh token 🙂





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same here since Sun Dec 19 2021 16:00.

It returns "invalid-token-request". Also here, no code changes


No problems on my side. My Shell-Script is working fine. 



A closer investigation revealed the problem in the failing token request.

How could that be? In my humble understanding the RefreshToken should never change


Hi @JueBag ,


it is in fact the case that refresh tokens also have a time to live (TTL), which is 180 days. This means your refresh token can also expire.


This information is not yet stated within the API documentation and will added now. 





Thanks @MichaelHanna - that's a game changer 😄

--> so that means a new walkthrough the authorization steps?



@bz there is no new walkthrough needed for authorization steps. We only added the missing information of the refresh token TTL to the documentation.





@MichaelHanna yes, I know - sorry, I was not precise enough. Your hint worked for me and everything works now.

@bz no problem – I btw now got what you intended to say. Yes, it is necessary to walk through the described authrization process once again to obtain a new refresh token 🙂





Thanks for this information.

The info about the TTL for the RefreshToken is published now, however no details on how to refresh this token is given. Is it really necessary to complete the whole athentification process again 🤔


Don't forget to note the date for the next Refreh of RefreshToken!


I (re-)managed to get my RefreshToken renewed, in this process I stumbled over the point "How to get the RefreshToken". 

I would suggest to change the Step 1 Http code to end with "...scope=IoT%20User%20offline_access", that way redoing this step isn't necessary! (My 2 cents).