I'm searching for a datapoint that tells wether the DHW schedule is presently in the active phase (hotwater is provided). Since the burner itself could be OFF, this datapoint can't be used.
The temperature in the hotwater tank drops significantly faster if the circulation pump is running. I want to start this pump only when there is movement detected in the rooms with a (hot-)water-tab. However only during the times when hotwater is scheduled to be provided.
Hi @JueBag ,
you can have a look at the feature "heating.dhw". Within this feature you will find the following properties
"properties": {
"active": {
"type": "boolean",
"value": true
"status": {
"type": "string",
"value": "off"
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the quick answer!
I was using subcategories of heating.dhw already but not this upper level datapoint. It seems to me that using this one you get several sub datapoints as well. I'll check for the desired outputs (in both parts of the schedule😉) when back @hhome and report.
This datapoint shows ON all the time when DHW is selected niglecting the local schedule, it seems that I really have to parse the schedule in order to get the info wether hotwater production is actually scheduled or not.
Just saw the new update of ViCare does show what I need, " Aktiver Warmwassermodus" is displayed only if the schedule is on.
The newly displayed " Aktiver Warmwassermodus" remains ON all the time. It really looks like that I need to parse the actual schedule in order to get the needed info.😣