Last month an Vitocal200-S AWB-E 201 D08 was installed with a Vitotrol and external Temperature sensor. We only use it for floor heating (+/- 100m²) and we have no boiler (speicher). Slope= 0,2 and level=0 (see screenshot) After the installation we noticed an annoying noise, caused by the Sekundaerpumpe, but this was quickly solved by changing speed from 100% to 70% in code 7343. We noticed the first week that Kompressor Temperature was often going to 35°C and that the Sekundaerpumpe was running 24/24. Also when Tin and Tout was almost the same (see photo Tin=22,2° Tout=22,1°) The technician did an intervention last week and changed these codes: - Tmax changed from 35 to 30 - 7340 (codierniveau 2) from 2 to 3 - 200A from 40 to 10 - 200B from 3 to 1 The results are not good: Sekundaerpumpe keeps running 24/24 and average kompressor runtime is low (1,5 hour). Kompressor Temperature is mostly 30°C when active. With slope 0,2 it should be able to warm with 27-28° normally. Can i please get some advice for optimising codes , because technician is out of ideas: - Sekundaerpumpe > less running, for exmple only run when needed (Tin > Tout) - Low temperature heating with less start/stop kompressor Thank in advance, Kris PS: "load-class 5" has 0 hours, is this the lowest or highest level? (see screenshot)
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