Hi everyone, first of all thanks a lot for the documentation on the API, which makes it possible even for beginners like me to work/play with it. I went over the documentation and managed (of course after many tries and mistakes) to complete the getting started part and also the authentication. Everything works fine. I can also read out actual values of my system. E.g. curl -X GET https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v2/features/installations/{{Installation_ID}}/gateways/{{gateway_ID}}/devices/{{device_ID}}/features/heating.dhw.temperature.main --header "Authorization: Bearer {Access_Token}" As stated, that works like a charm. But I cannot figure out how to set a new target value. I have tried it as it is shown in the documentation: curl -X POST https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v2/features/installations/{{installationID}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}}/devices/{{deviceId}}/features/heating.dhw.temperature.main/commands/setTargetTemperature --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"temperature": 55}' Of course that does not work, because I need to handover my access-token as well. (my understanding) So I receive: {"viErrorId":"req-3873e289641245f7b2283b16f52260ab","statusCode":401,"errorType":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Authorization failed while trying to perform this action"} But when add my access token to that, I think I am messing something up with the syntax, because I keep getting error messages. I tried for example curl -X POST https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v2/features/installations/{{installationID}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}}/devices/{{deviceId}}/features/heating.dhw.temperature.main/commands/setTargetTemperature --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"temperature": 55}' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{Access_Token}}' Or curl -X POST https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v2/features/installations/{{installationID}}/gateways/{{gatewaySerial}}/devices/{{deviceId}}/features/heating.dhw.temperature.main/commands/setTargetTemperature --header 'Authorization: Bearer {Access_Token}' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"temperature": 55}' --header 'Authorization: Bearer {Access_Token}' And many many more. But no luck. Usually the return message ist: {"viErrorId":"req-22da678479e54f0faac6ddeddd2a61db","statusCode":401,"errorType":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Authorization failed while trying to perform this action"}curl: (6) Could not resolve host: Bearer curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application curl: (3) unmatched close brace/bracket in URL position 3: 44}' Could someone help me to find the right syntax for setting a target value? Thanks a lot in advance and please excuse any lack of knowledge here. I am just getting started 🙂 Kind regards
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