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The Regex statement in an API Request isn't evaluated anymore!

Since 10:27 CET API request which use a Regex statement in order to limit the reply are not evaluated anymore!


Used Request:


Returned only 8 datapoints before, now gives 167!


Is this a permanent change?




Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi @JueBag and @rogrun ,


This topic was investigated by our development teams. Today, the fix should be productive.


If the regex statement is still not working throughout the day, please let me know.





Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen


Hi @JueBag ,


There have not been any changes on API side, especially concerning the interpretation of expressions as far as I know.


As I do not know the plugin that you are using, I cannot exclude the possibility that the code of the plugin might have changed.


To be sure, I will try and check for any changes from API side and let you know if I have new findings.

I posted the actually used URI, and No, there was no change done!

Am I the only one who is using RegEx Statements in order to limit the API return? Or am I the only one receiving the complete API return although a RegEx Statemdnt is used?

I've tested.. Same issue here

Hi @JueBag and @rogrun ,


This topic was investigated by our development teams. Today, the fix should be productive.


If the regex statement is still not working throughout the day, please let me know.





@rogrun Thanks for your investigation, it seems to have triggered an action.


My Gateway went OFFLINE at 17:02 CET, restarting the Gateway (Power On/Off) showed the Regex statement being handled again.
