Q1 is solved, but it still means Q2 is very relevant - right now I am uncomfortable about trusting the warning/error features of the API until this is solved.
Longer story around why did it give the E0 error. The history is that Viessmann back in 2015 confirmed exactly I would be able to machine read(and write) settings from the new boiler. However it was oversold and a Vitocom100 was installed (that is a LON module and hence the boiler was reconfigured under 76 as a LON not LAN anymore). Now this year looking at the progress I took the chance and installed the LAN module again to be able to use the API rather than screen scraping. So I went back and changed the 76 to LAN and installed the module and it worked. Vicare worked again and so did the PyViCare (before 15. july) statistics etc got read out. But the unit started to show the E0 error after a few hours of being turned on, only way to get it removed was to turn it off and then on. Now to day I digged deeper into this and the E0 is a LON issue, and for some reason the 79-register does not get reset and hence the boiler now tries to talk both LAN as configured and LON as registered in a sub-register. I changed it back to LON did a recheck the LON list.. now the LON list is empty. And I am hoping not to see the E0 anymore! 🙂
However as stated still missing the *.errors.* flags and stil showing as workingproperly which was not the same as teh display says so looking forward to a response on that. @MichaelHanna I hope you are still having a look at the fact the device is not telling about errors. HOpe you have some news on this soon 🙂
Hi @jborup,
Thanks for the further explanations! It seems your installation is configured in a special (or at least not in the default) way. Maybe it makes sense to check the installation in general to make sure this is not the cause for any other issues? For other / general topics, you can also use other sections in this forum 🙂
Concerning the error messages, you can check our "Events" endpoint, which is documented here: https://developer.viessmann.com/en/doc/events-mw-iot/v1
It should also provide information about errors. Let me know if this also covers the E0 error for you.
@MichaelHanna I tried the https://api.viessmann.com/iot/v1/events-history/events?gatewaySerial={{gatewaySerial}}&limit=1000&eventType=device-error API and the latest error I have in there was from 2016 ( a lot of "errorCode": "3e" and a few "ee"/""a3 from the installation, nothing since then, which seems weird. And to me looks like a bug.
@jborup , could you please check once more within ViCare and provide me the information about errors shown in the app? Are there errors which are not shown in the API?
@MichaelHanna they are not showing up in the viCare aoo either 😞 Only on the heater it self...