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Daily gas consumption - wrong information after midnight


My problem must be related to the way ViCare reports consumption data just after midnight. Instead of resetting the values immediately to 0.0 m3 at 0:00 time, ViCare adds a new day and copies the consumption from the previous day. Why is that?

Have a look at this.




About half an hour later ViCare starts to show the consumption correctly:





I'm having the exact same problem as I am pushing the data to my Home Assistant instance and create a template sensor calculating the kWh. And each day the measure in my energy board is off as it starts with the previous days consumption at the time frame between 00:00 and 01:00. It does not make sense to not reset straight at midnight for a daily usage sensor. 

Perhaps someone can push developers to correct it?

Probably in German would be better. 😉

Who could push the developer in general? I mean considering how limited the API is and how little the invest is they put into things and the general experience I so far had with Viessmann I highly doubt they care in any way. Or it will be behind a paywall in the end as their focus is to generate more money rather than deliver some good customer experience as it seems. Look at what is already behind a paywall. Anyhow, if you are asking for this issue to be described in German I can do that here, not a problem.

Yes, this forum is mostly in German, I think. I don't speak German so I can't reliably translate.

In this way the description of the problem would perhaps reach more people.

I created a short German topic linking and mentioning this one here:


I hope it helps. Sorry for the delay. I intended to create something earlier but as usual life happened... 😉


I can spontaneously think of the following possibilities:

  1. Summer time/winter time: Is the clock in the device set to summer time?
  2. Perhaps Viesmann has only taken one time zone into account in its servers. If so, this would probably be UTC, i.e. one hour behind CET, which would explain the ‘zeroing’ at 01:00 CET.
  3. Viessmann is not really observing exact times. Outdoor temperature, buffertemperature and other values are read out in an irregular fashion.

You will be more independent of the whims of the American owners of Viessmann if you use the Optolink Splitter (for the older devices) or open3e (for the newer OneBase devices) and manage your heat generator locally. Both are described in detail here in the forum.

Kind Regards


I will see in spring.

The behaviour was observed in wintertime so I don't know if it's different during summertime.

Let's wait and see.


Can you help find relevant information for open3e?

How to check if it is compatible with my equipment?


But I doubt it is the case of time zone because after an hour (or probably half an hour) everything gets back to normal.


In case you have the older Vitoconnect box, it's optolink, in case your device has its own WiFi then it's open3e.

Info on optolink can be found here. 

Info on open3e - even in english (mostly) can be found - on Github . Quite technical though...



Then probably the reason is the rotten time handling on Viessman's side. They only update the consumption every hour - but of course not on the hour.

