Hello @nerixs Thank you for your reply. I'll have a try for a better description of my goal and the issue im am facing: My goal is to write a web application, where my users authenticate with their specific credentials, independent from the Viessmann API. On this web applications the users shall be able to initiate certain actions, which subsequently lead to calls on the Viessmann API. The authentication needed for the API-calls shall happen programmatically, without any user interaction. Let's say, my web application does authenticate with the Viessmann API, therefore "machine to machine communication". The issue I am facing now is "Step 1: Authorization request" according to https://documentation.viessmann.com/static/authentication . As described in article, this request always leads to a login page, which requires human interaction. As I understand your article https://www.viessmann-community.com/t5/Getting-started-programming-with/To-help-get-started/td-p/181347, it describes a way how to do this authorization request without human interaction using php. My question now is how this can be done in a .NET Core application. Or as more general answer, if there is specific API request where I can achieve this and how this would look like.
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